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Visual FoxPro Compound Index  |  1997-04-18  |  3KB

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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
1% dexvert Visual FoxPro Compound Index (visualFoxProCompoundIndex) magic
1% dexvert FoxPro Compound Index (foxProCompoundIndex) magic
100% file xBase compound index, index options (0xe0, compact format, structure), index signature 1, sort order 0, expression length 1 default
99% file data default
77% TrID Compound index MS Visual FoxPro 7 default
14% TrID TTComp archive compressed (bin-1K) default
7% TrID MacBinary 1 default
0% TrID VXD Driver default
100% siegfried fmt/375 FoxPro Compound Index File default